Sunday 21 October 2018

Random MASTICATIONS of a sunday evening

I'm sittin ere eatin today eatin today eatin today eatin and repeatin and repeatin and eatin and repeatin and repeatin myself. Now a bit of food fell from my gob and onto me somewhere and I can't find it. What a big big shame. Maybe it went in my beard? Cos you see I'm a rite skinny cunt and all. Got to eat 12,000 calories a day to get to a normal weight. Struggled with my lack of weight all my life and decided that weak skinny people are pathetic fuckers and I don't want to be one. People give me fuckin weird looks all the time, especially the bitcheeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. So that sucks a right old chode, in't it? When you look so skeletal you could be in a freak show nobody is looking at you with any lust that is 4 shore. Well that won't do. I will eat and eat and eat and eat and eat and eat and train in the gym and train at home. I spend so much of my day eating that my teeth can't take the strain and are falling the fuck out as well built who gives a fuck.

Thursday 11 October 2018

Troubles seem to up and disappear

Tuch meeeee wiv da luuuurve your brining, I can hardly lose when you're nearrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr duh duh duh duh duh duuuuuh………………………...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh LET ME BE THE ONE

Rambling about shit

Well I'm sittig at my CP at 1:58AM and listening to a song called "Carolina in the mrning". Nuffin could be finer than to be in Carolina in the morning. The song literally means to be in Carolina in the morning, and Carolina is a girl. Not a state. Afterall there is North Carolina and South Carolina, but not "Carolina". See in those days of that song, people had dirty minds but were more intelligently subtle about it you see. Now also I am just writing about life. Fucking dumb shit advert on youtube delayed the start of a song I was listening too, how rude. FUCKIN RUDE So anyway I was thinking about how I used to have a big obsession over an inter-net girl in Spain who I thought I liked for some dumb reason. Some dumb ho who lead me on because she loved attention. I got well obsessed. Felt like dying even. But then I looked on her insta-cack one day and she identified with some lyrics of a Pink Floyds song. Now she always claimed to be shy and low self esteem. The lyrics said "you won't forget me, you won't forget me, I'm a wall too high for you to climb" and all that shit. This bitch lives at home with mummy who buys her endless hair do's and pink hair dye, designer clothes, gadgets, games, expensive makeup and she solicits loser weak bitch guys on fetish websites constasntly to fill the sink hole of a personality that she has. I nearly fell in but got out. All young bitches on the internet are like this - ignore them. All the same. Not that I think all girls are. Quality girls exist. From good parents and backgrounds. But those pink Floyd song lyrics proved to me that's how the bitch really sees herself. A narcissistic waste of space. Vast over-valuation based on something so superficial. Every time she and her ilk con a guy into falling for her, it's another notch to her belt, specially when she just dangles her pussy like a carrot on a stick after feigning a false connection. But it also takes a stupid dumb "man" to fall for that shit. I learned the hard way. I'm so glad I came out with sanity intact and even became a better man from it. Thanks you pink haired clown. I love that you did that to me. I have found the purpose of my life. And it is me and not some bint. Me and my purpose in life. Who needs you? I don't.

The True-ist Article On The Internet

So there are lots of articles on the internet, with lots of information. But they are all wrong. I have taken the time to write the only true article on life, including all of its facets. This is the article you are reading now. Every single word is true and this is "the truth" as would you ever find it. No other article on the internet has the same level of percentage of true-ness as the article your reading here. This article is 100.0% true. So we'll explore just what this truth is. The Truth (below) The Truth is that a lot of wrong and arrogant people have written a lot of wrong and arrogant articles about what they tell you is the truth because they just "ASSUME" - that is to say assume, that they know the truth, or even "The Truth". There can only be one truth and this is on this article that you are reading now. It is the only true article on the entire internet. Did you know that there are 4,546,235,5757,1,45,415,5,5,55e+45^2 articles on the internet? I added them up in a dream. All of them are untrue to some degree. This one is not. The bottom line is that this is all arrogance. Arrogance of people. They are saying they have the truth to assert control and dominance over their readers. To create followers of their readers and disempower them. Thanks for reading.