Friday 17 July 2009

A collection of very good quotes

Good Quotes

"Only two things can ever be certain in human life: death and destruction"

"Man is the possibly the only creature on earth that by habit destroys the world around him to achieve self-sustainance"

"Saying one thing and doing another is simply being forgetful, and that is excusable because everyone has forgetful moments"

"A fake is one who maintains an ego he must defend and fulfil by day and night while ignoring his true inner person"

"A fake is one who pretends it's all OK with you, then stabs you in the back or trash talks about you when he think's you don't know, 'cos, he's a coward who won't show you how he really feels about you"

"Most of those who form judgements about others are looking no further than secondary, insubstancial characteristics of that person of which they build a subjective picture of in their mind; therefore that person of whom is the subject of their judgemental victimization becomes a name or label enraptured by the feelings of hate, jealousy and contempt in their mind; all of which are the feelings and manifestations of a reactive, ignorant insecure little man with a big ego"

"Don't knock eating, drinking, sleeping and sex. They are primal instinctual requirements for life. We always think we need to be so pretentious as to be "more" than that all the time, but our primal instincts cannot be ignored because we are all part animal."

"Remember this wise old philosophy: leave it to the last minute; and don't start a minute before."

"Laziness is a good way to live a more stress free and longer life. "Driven" do-it-all people who never think just rush about in a hurry trying to do this and that, never satisfied, and wonder why they all get heart disease, heart attacks and alzheimers. One can never be one step ahead. We are all in the now and as long as we enjoy that moment instead of let it kill us we will live a happier longer life"

"You are nothing. Maybe you are known now, but give 50-100 years and most will have forgotten you. If you were ever famous for some reason, give 500-600 years, and you might still be remembered by some historians. Give 1,000 or more, and nobody will really know no more nor will they care a shit, and nor should they. We are all here to live in our respective present and get the fuck on with it. When your dead let everyone else get on with theirs and shut the fuck up"

"The past is to the future as the future is to the past"

"Some insecure people like to just dismiss the past and pretend it was never important, yet, the "past" was the foundation of every subsequent action of any person. Maybe the only thing that wasn't important was their own existence."

"The past once present was"

"Nobody is like anything other than the way they act"

"I've figured out it seems to be better not to know anybody at all. Even those you thought were closest to you think it is acceptable to drunkanly tell you how you are wrong and rub it in your face, accuse you of lying and twisting when it is they who are twisting everything you do or say. And yet, these fools believe they know everything!"

"One of the highest forms of freedom is not caring what others think about you or what you do. The moment you live in a manner that is affected by what others think about who you are and what you do or what they think of you, they are dictating your life."

"There's no such thing as luck; just hard work, discipline and effort."

"One must know fear to know courage."

"Oh of course there is much variation in my life. I eat a good variety of foods every day."

"Job market? The job market, well yes, no need to tell me that's so unstable now. Well, what with the economic instability right now, companies closing up and starting up every second, last time I went in to a recruitment agency down then way looking for work CV in hand, I walked out sipping bloody orange and passion fruit crush from the new "Juice Bar" in town"

"Never get too attached to anything. When things go wrong in life or things you try or do don't go as you imagined you will not dent your ego if you haven't got too attached."

"Going to study a university degree taught me one thing above all others: How stupid and unintelligent I really am."

"I could not give a monkeys if I am mediocre as it is usually someone elses judgement anyhow. What does it even mean? By what scale are we measuring it? Grades, credit rating, social standing, WHAT? It is a meaningless overused phrase people use to depreciate themselves."

"Even if you don't think you are mediocre, someone has to be, if you really believe in such a thing!"

"Since it is not possible for any humanly thing to be perfect, does that make it mediocre? Excellence is an illusion outside of divinity itself and who is man to think he is divine? Therefore reasoning against "mediocrity" is nothing other than an illusion as long as you are human."